Welding technology and gluing technology

DRIVE engineering has an extensive experience in welding processes and welding equipment. Mainly stud welding and resistance welding.


DRIVE engineering is specialized in gluing processes and gluing equipment.

We have worked a lot with welding and gluing in robotic applications. Mainly on Comau and ABB robots.

Some realisations

  • A few of the equipments where Drive engineering has experience:
    Aro weld guns (RX, RC,3G) , Bosch weld timers (PST and PSI series), Emhart Tucker stud weld equipment (TMP, DCE and TSG), Teamster glue equipment (T2000, T2x), Scanrex glue equipment (SRX). ABB (6400, 6600, S4C+) and Comau robots (C3G, C4G)