FrieslandCampina Renewal of secondary packing lines for HDPE bottles with new conveyors, refurbished capper, new tray-packer and modified palletizer. |
Océ |
Volvo |
Procter & Gamble |
Emhart Tucker Service engineer: service engineer for Emhart Tucker studweld equipment, put in operation and support new stud weld equipment at VW Brussel, Tower Automotive Slovakia, GM Opel Antwerpen, Volvo Gent. Repair of Emhart Tucker studweld equipment. |
Testbench for stud weld equipment of Emhart Tucker, end users at Audi, Opel, Volkswagen, Tower Automotive & Volvo
Design and supply a drive for multiple encoders and resolvers on conveyors in paint-shop Volvo Gent.
Stud weld equipment for Tower Automotive.